Топик: Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence)

V. Hollett, Business Objectives; Oxford University Press, 1991

  • D. Horner, P. Strutt Words at work. Vocabulary development for business English; Cambridge University Press, 1996

  • P. O'Connor, A. Pilbeam Negotiating, Longman Group UK, 1992

  • D. Davies, D. Pickett English for commerce, Longman Group UK, 1997

  • N. Brieger Advanced English Contacts; Oxford University Press, 1993

  • Р.И. Гуськов Деловая переписка на английском языке, МГП "Шарапат", Алма-Ата, 1991

  • В. В. Сафонова Written English X-XI Москва "Просвещение", 1995

    • www. writeexpress.com

    • www.business-letters.com

    • www.businesstown.com/forms/letters.asp

    • www.4hb.com/letters/index.html

    • www.komei.com/wrisamp.htm

    • www.bctv.net/Eng119/bizlet1.html

    • www.exec-rewrites.com/businessletters.html

    • www.bizwriting.com/

    • http://wordwork.com/freelance/index.html

    • http://letterworld.narod.ru

    • http://engring.narod.ru/base/business.zip

    • http://homejungle.km.ru/sovet/polez/letter/letter1/htm

    • www.money-at-home.com/business.htm


    In recent years English has become a universal business language. As such, it is potentially an instrument of order and clarity. A neatly arranged letter will certainly make a better impression on the reader, thus good letters make good business partners. But words and phrases have unexpected ways of creating binding commitments.

    Letter-writing, certainly, is not the same as casual conversation, it bears only the same power of thoughts, reflections, and observations as in conversational talk, but the form may be quite different. What makes the letter so attractive and pleasing is not always the massage of the letter, it is often the manner and style in which the massage is written.

    In the case of "scientific correspondence" the majority of letters bear mostly a semi-official character and are concerned with different situations associated with scientific activities concentrated around the organisation of scientific meetings (congresses, symposia, workshops, etc.), the arrangement of visit, invitation, publication, the exchange of scientific literature, information, etc. Letters of this kind have a tone of friendliness, naturalism. Modern English letters should not be exaggerated, overburdened, outmoded with time-worn expressions. The key note is simplicity. Modern letters tend towards using the language of conversational style.

    Writing is not only a means of communication and contact, but also a record of affairs, information, events, etc. So it is necessary to feel the spirit and trend of the style in order to write a perfect letter.

    Business-letter or contract law is a complex and vastly documented subject, only a lawyer can deal with it on a serious level. A number of basic principles, however, can be outlined sufficiently to mark of encounters that require the use of specialised English.

    • Your knowledge of Business English lexics is crucially important;

    • Include just the right amount of information in your letter. (But better to include too much than too little.)

    • Plan your letter before you start writing, to make sure it says everything you want to say and says it in a logical sequence.

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