Учебное пособие: Практическое применение дидактических игр на уроках английского языка
P3: Love is a sacred feeling.
P4: Love is a strong feeling.
P5: Love enriches our souls and hearts.
T: And what kind of love can it be?
P: Deep, passionate, boundless, tender, eternal, etc.
T: Form adverbs.
P: Deeply, passionately, boundlessly, tenderly, eternally, etc/
Раздать учащимся карточки с вопросами и предложениями
T: And can you give the examples of passionate love of Motherland?
P1: & d like to mention R. Burns, a loyal son of his native land. His love was deep and passionate. He couldn’t imagine his life without his Highlands. He was so devoted to his land. His famous words “ My Heart’s in the Highlands” became the motto of his life if a patriot. For him, there was nothing like his homeland.
P2: The great Byron also devoted his whole life to his motherland. He enriched it with wonderful poetry which is loved by people all over the world and his lines: “He who loves not his country can love nothing” are topical today.
T: Tell, me, please, who wrote these lines:
Можна все на світі вибирати, сину,
Вибрати не можна тільки Батьківщину.
P: Symonenko wrote these lines. He is our contemporary. This poet passionately loved Ukraine. He loved it so deeply as he loved his Mother. These lines prove his devotion to Ukraine.
T: What did Yaroslav the Wise tell his sons before his death?
P: Before his death he gathered his sons and said to them: “Remember, you must always love your motherland with your whole hearts”.
T: &’d like to read you A. Malyshko’s words about his love of the Motherland.
Україно моя, мені в світі нічого не треба,
Тільки б голос твій чути і ніжність твою берегти.
T: You see our people always loved their Motherland passionately. And we also love our Motherland. What does it mean to love Motherland?
P1: &t means to love our parents, to love our native village.
P2: &t means to love the beauty of the country’s nature/
P3: &t means to love the mother tongue.
P4: &t means to know the history of the country.
P5: &t means to love your people.
P6: &t means to prove your love of Motherland with the help of deeds but not beautiful words about it.
T: Now we shall have a short quiz (Questions about Ukraine)
T: And now, look at the key- words and speak about Ukraine, its cities, rivers and so on.