Учебное пособие: Практическое применение дидактических игр на уроках английского языка

Учитель: Did you like their acting?

Ученик: Yes, I did their acting is wonderful.

Учитель: So Mr. Brocklehurst came to see Jane. And we know that she was taken to Logwood School. Describe the school?

1) What kind of school was it?

2) What did the children have for dinner?

3) What did they have for supper?

YI. Express your attitude to the main characters. What do you think of them?

1) To my mind Jane is a very good and clever girl. She is very modest. But she is unhappy because she has no parents. And Mrs. Reed is very cruel to her. I sympathize with Jane and I hope she will be happy.

2) I my opinion Mrs. Reed is a very bad woman, because she is very cruel and she is not kind to Jane. She loves only her children but she does love Jane. As for me I don’t like such people.

3) As for Mr. Brocklehurst it’s difficult to say what kind of man he is. But I think he is not a good man because he cannot understand a little girl. He says Jane is a bad girl because she thinks the bible is not interesting. To my mind it’s difficult to read the Bible for a little girl.

Чтение отрывка из романа « Джейн Эйр» глава 3, страница 11

Mr. Brocklehurst visits Logwood.

YII. We know that Mrs. Reed wrote a letter to Jane. You made up your own letter from her name. Reed it please. Dear Jane. Perhaps this is my last letter to you, because I am very ill. I know that you were not happy in my family. I was cruel to you and my children did not love you. I hated you because you were cleverer that my children. For give me if you can. Your aunt, Mrs. Reed.

YIII.Учитель: Who has read this novel?

Did you like it?

Did you see the film version of the novel?

Does anybody know what is the end of the novel? Has the novel a happy end?

Yes, this a story with a happy end. Jane will be happy she met a man who loved her and she loved him too. They got married and lived a happy life.

IX. I know that some of you have already read this book, some of you have got interested in it, others are going to read it.

Imagine a situation:

1). You have met a friend who has already read this book. Talk about it.

P1: What book is it?

P2: It’s Jane Eyre.

P1: Who is the author?

P2: It is written by Ch. Bronte.

P1: Is it interesting?

P2: Yes , I enjoyed reading it.

P1: Will you give it to me to read?

P2: Of course. I am sure you will enjoy reading it too.

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