Учебное пособие: Практическое применение дидактических игр на уроках английского языка

T: You know that our country is rich in talented people. The game “Who is Who”

T: Are you interested in history? Whom do you see in this picture? What do you know about Zaporizhian Cossacks. What famous Zaporizhian hetmans do you know?


T: Now, we shall play a game.Лексическаяигра.expand the sentence.( Расширьпредложение)

& give you a sentence. Cossacks struggled.

Try to add a single element to expand it.

The courageous, freedom- loving Ukrainian Cossacks from Zaporizhian Such struggled bravely for the independence of free peasants of South Ukraine.


T: Read the proverbs about love of the Motherland.

T: Tell me please what, problems does our country have today?

P: Ukraine is a young state it’s only 12.So it has to overcome some problems on its way of its economical development. We have such problems as unemployment, worsening conditions, of young families, growing housing problems, increasing crime rate among youth, crisis of cultural and moral values.

T: Do you believe that Ukraine will overcome these problems.

P: Yes, & do. We shall do everything to see our country powerful and our people happy.

T: Do you agree with Byron’s words? Yes, we love everything if we love our Motherland.

T: And now a game “10 questions”. & think of a geographical place, you must guess it.

Is it a river?

Is it a mountain?

Is it one of the largest cities in Ukraine?

Is it an old city?

Is in an industrial city?

Is it in the South of the country?

Is there a post in the city?

Is it Odessa?

T: A Game “The Snow Ball”. Whose word is the last?

Ukraine is my native country.

It is very beautiful

Ukraine is my native country

It is very beautiful. It is one of the largest countries in the world ( etc).

Let’s read the poem, written on the blackboard again.

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