Учебное пособие: Практическое применение дидактических игр на уроках английского языка

P2: Not at all.

2) You are in the library .You want to take the book “Jane Eyre”.

P. Good morning, N.A.!

L. Good morning, L.! What can I do for you?

P. I’d like to read “Jane Eyre” by Ch Bront .Have you got such a book in the library?

L. Yes, we have. Just a minute. Here you are.

P. Thank, you!

L. Not at all. I hope you’ll like the book.

2) Speak about your favorite writer.

P1. Who is your favorite English writer?

P2. D. Defoe. And yours?

P1. Ch. Dickens.

P2. Well, I like Ch. Dickens too, especially his novel “Oliver Twist”.

P1. Yes, his novels are wonderful.

X. We have spoken about the novel. Many people like to read novels. And what about poems? Do you like to read poems? Who is your favorite Russian poet? Do you know any English poems?

Ученик: Yes, I do. I’d like to recite one of the Shakespeare’s sonnets. Whom is it devoted to?

Ученица: This sonnet is devoted to a woman with dark hair and eyes. The Dark Lady of the sonnets is a mystery. But if she was a real person Shakespeare loved her.

Ученица: I am going to recite one of the poems by R. Burns, a great Scottish poet.

Учитель: In addition I want to tell you that these beautiful poems were translated into Russian by the famous Soviet poet S. Marshak. As we know all Shakespeare’s sonnets were translated by Marshak. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. Once he said: “Each of the sonnets is like a piece of music”.

Я перевел Шекспировы сонеты,

Пускай поэт, покинув старый дом,

Заговорит на языке другом.

В другие дни, в другом краю планеты,

Соратником его мы признаем,

Защитником свободы. Правды, мира.

Недаром имя славное Шекспира

По-русски - значит потрясай копьем.

Marshak translated works by R. Burns too. Alexander Tvardovsky valued his translation very high. This is what he said: “ОнсделалБернсарусским. Оставивегошотландцем”.Thank to translators we can read beautiful poems by Shakespeare, Byron, Shelly, R. Burns and other great poets, when it is difficult for us to read in the original.

XI.Учитель: English writers stand high in world literature. Their names are dear to those who love literature. What famous English writers do you know?

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