Учебное пособие: Разработка двух уроков английского языка для средней школы
2). Did you have breakfast at 9 o'clock?
3). When did you have breakfast?
10. Answer the questions and add some more information. eg.: — It rained yesterday, didn't it?
— No, it didn't. It has just rained and it is very wet in the streets.
11. Say what you (your friend) did a year (a week, a month) ago and haven't (hasn't) done it since.
12. Make sure of alt the details making use of Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.
e.g.: T: I have been to the theatre.
P1: What theatre have you been to?
P2: Who has been to the theatre?
P3: When were you at the theatre? etc.
13. Make up dialogues on the following situations:
You meet your friend in the school library. He has already taken a book. You want to leave the book you've read and take another one. Ask your friend for a good piece of advice.
14. Let's talk on your being on duty:
a) Who's on duty today? Would you tell us what you've done to prepare the classroom for the lesson?
b) Who was on duty yesterday? Would you tell us about your last being on duty?
c) Please, tell us what the pupil on duty usually does to prepare the classroom for the lesson.
Обобщение пройденного материала
В результате изучения темы учащиеся должны понимать связи и отношения между PresentIndefinite и PresentContinuous, PresentContinuous и PresentPerfect, PresentPerfect и PastIndefinite в системе видо-временных форм английского глагола и уметь четко выделять инвариантные и дифференциальные признаки данных форм.
Обобщение материала проводится с использованием таблиц, схем, речевых ситуаций и завершается по усмотрению учителя формулировкой грамматических правил или выполнением грамматического теста.