1) He said that he ... all his exams by the 25th jf June a) passed b) will have passed c) will pass d) would have passed ------------------

1) He said that he ... all his exams by the 25th jf June a) passed b) will have passed c) will pass d) would have passed ------------------------------------------- 2) The rain did not prevent him ... going to the theatre a) against b) of c) from d) out of ------------------------------------------- 3) the trousers are too ...: I will have to get a bigger pair a) close b) loose c) narrow d) tight ------------------------------------------- 4) If you break the law, you will be ... trouble a) for b) in c) out d) out of ------------------------------------------- 5) Don’t start making the pasta until I ... you a) will phone b) im phoning c) phoned d) phone Спасибо!
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1 - d 2 - c 3 - c 4 - b 5 - d
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