ДОБРЫЕ ЛЮДИ СЕГО САЙТА! ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ ПОМОЧЬ, Я В АНГЛИЙСКОМ УЖАСНО ПЛОХ, ЗНАЮ, ЧТО МНОГО, НО ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 86Б ВСЕ ЧТО У МЕНЯ ЕСТЬ, МНЕ НЕ ЖАЛКО! ТОЛЬКО ПОМОГИТЕ!!! H.​ Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold: 1.​ Adventurous people get a lot of ………………………..going skydiving or rafting. ENJOY 2.​ In the USA ……………………Day is celebrated on July 4. INDEPEND 3.​ We wish you the fastest …………………….. RECOVER 4.​ Please, express your ………………………..with new rules directly. DISAGREE 5.​ Jack stared at Helen in …………………………… AMAZE 6.​ Stay in our comfortable …………………… and relax in style! ACCOMMODATE Test 2 V –II A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B Column A Column B 1 student A arts 2 martial B pounds 3 waste C spree 4 shopping D money 5 exchange E loan B Fill in the correct word. straight earn presenter borrow save 6 The famous …… comments on the football match on the BBC channel! 7 Do you manage to …….. any money or do you spend it all? 8 Judy is honest person. She plays it ….. . 9 Sandy really likes his job, but she doesn’t …. very much. 10 Can I …… £ 10 to go to the cinema, Dad? C Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 11 ……. children usually create games to play A imaginative B outgoing C adventurous 12 James tends to enjoy extreme sports; he’s very …… . A sociable B ambitious C adventurous 13 Mark likes to meet other people; he’s so …… . A sensitive B sociable C shy 14 Jane seems to have no friends at school; she’s very ….. . A boring B reserved C brave 15 Her sister prefers doing aerobics; she’s extremely ….. . A fit B cautious C ambitious D Choose the correct preposition. 16 Ian would love to take in/ up tennis. 17 Please, take off/ out your sweater! It’s warm! 18 I’ve got my first salary and want to take you over/ out to a restaurant. 19 My friends say that I take off/ after Britney Spears. We look so much alike (одинаково). 20 I think you need to take this blouse out/ in; it’s too big for you. 21 I think he will take over/ up the company when his father gets old. F Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to) 21 I’m keen on ……(go) to the gym after school. 22 You must ……(tidy) your room every week! 23 Would you like …… (go) clubbing tonight? 24 I can’t help ……(laugh) when I see him. 25 Do you fancy ……(watch) the new Harry Potter film? 26 Let me …… (use) your laptop please. 27 Don’t make me ……(cry). It’s not my fault. 28 Ronald can’t stand …… (travel) by bus. 29 What do you want ……(wear) for today party? 30 Harry forgot …… (close) the front door yesterday. 31 Oh, it’s expensive! I’d rather …… (buy) clothes in second –hand shops. 32 That’s OK. I don’t mind …… (stand) here for a while. G Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 33 Ann is really keen ……… archery. A about B in C on 34 Mrs Jones is good ….. cooking. A at B with C of 35 My English friend is crazy …. rock music. A with B of C about 36 She’s not interested …. fashion. A in B at C with 37 I don’t like to take part ….. school competitions. A at B in C on H Write the true sentences about yourself. 38 I really love …… 39 I prefer …… 40 I’m looking forward to ……
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.​ Adventurous people get a lot of enjoyment going skydiving or rafting. 2.​ In the USA Independance Day is celebrated on July 4. 3.​ We wish you the fastest recovery 4.​ Please, express your disagrement with new rules directly.  5.​ Jack stared at Helen in amazement 6.​ Stay in our comfortable accommodation and relax in style!  Test 2 V –II A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B exchange-pounds, waste-spree, shopping-money, studend-arts, martial-loan B Fill in the correct word. 6 The famous presenter comments on the football match on the BBC channel! 7 Do you manage to save any money or do you spend it all? 8 Judy is honest person. She plays it straight   9 Sandy really likes his job, but she doesn’t earn very much. 10 Can I borrow  £ 10 to go to the cinema, Dad? C Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 11 imaginative children usually create games to play 12 James tends to enjoy extreme sports; he’s very adventurous  13 Mark likes to meet other people; he’s so sociable 14 Jane seems to have no friends at school; she’s very boring 15 Her sister prefers doing aerobics; she’s extremely fit  D Choose the correct preposition. 16 Ian would love to take up tennis. 17 Please, take off your sweater! It’s warm! 18 I’ve got my first salary and want to take you out to a restaurant. 19 My friends say that I take after Britney Spears. We look so much alike (одинаково). 20 I think you need to take this blouse out it’s too big for you. 21 I think he will take over the company when his father gets old. F Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to) 21 I’m keen on going to the gym after school. 22 You must to tidy your room every week! 23 Would you like to go clubbing tonight? 24 I can’t help laughing when I see him. 25 Do you fancy to watch the new Harry Potter film? 26 Let me to use your laptop please. 27 Don’t make me to cry. It’s not my fault. 28 Ronald can’t stand travelling by bus. 29 What do you want to wear for today party? 30 Harry forgot to close the front door yesterday. 31 Oh, it’s expensive! I’d rather buy clothes in second –hand shops. 32 That’s OK. I don’t mind to stand here for a while. G Choose the correct answer A, B or C. 33 Ann is really keen ON archery. 34 Mrs Jones is good AT cooking. 35 My English friend is crazy ABOUT  rock music. 36 She’s not interested IN fashion. 37 I don’t like to take part IN school competitions. H Write the true sentences about yourself. 38 I really love listening to the music. 39 I prefer to be honest with my friends 40 I’m looking forward to go abroad this summer. 
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