How well do you know what these letters stand for? ESL UFO ETA

How well do you know what these letters stand for? ESL UFO ETA
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ESL -  English as a second or foreign language is the use of English by speakers with different native languages. (Английский, как второй язык для говорящих на разных своих языках) UFO - НЛО (Unknown Flying Object) UFO -  are an English rock band that was formed in London in 1969. They became a transitional group between early hard rock and heavy metal and the new wave of British heavy metal.  Eta (Η, η) -  is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. ETA  -  Estimated time of arrival — ожидаемое время прибытия. ETA Systems -  компания по производству суперкомпьютеров.
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