IV. Вставьте в вопросительные предложения подходящий вспомогательный глагол: do, does

IV. Вставьте в вопросительные предложения подходящий вспомогательный глагол: do, does, has or have. Ответьте на вопросы. Образец: Do you know what time it is? Sorry, I haven’t got a watch. 1. ..................... you finished yet? 2. ..................... anyone know where Angelo is? 3. ..................... anybody seen Maria? 4. ..................... you think we’ll be late? 5. ..................... you ever been abroad? 6. ..................... anybody know the date? 7. ....................... you like living in England? 8. ....................... you ever read any Shakespeare? 9. ....................... anyone here got change for a pound? 10. ..................... you know what time the next train leaves? 11. ..................... anybody know where the key to this cupboard is? 1. No. I’ll be another ten minutes. 2. No, I’m afraid my English isn’t good enough. 3. The seventeenth, isn’t it? 4. Not me. I haven’t seen it for ages. 5. In about ten minutes, I think. 6. Yes, I’ve got two fifty-pence pieces. 7. No. I don’t think she’s here this morning. 8. Not yet. But I’m going to America next year. 9. Yes, but I don’t like the weather much. 10. He was in the library a minute ago. 11. Not if we hurry.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.Have 2.Does 3.Has 4.Do 5.Have 6.Does 7.Do 8.Have 9.Has 10.Do 11.Does
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