Make up sentences           In my country the forests the rivers the seas the animals the birds the air the water the trees the litter     ...

Make up sentences           In my country the forests the rivers the seas the animals the birds the air the water the trees the litter         are is was were cut down polluted destroyed killed captured and sold in pet shops   frightened damaged thrown away   Приложение 2 Put the words in the logical order 1 the nature, are, to protect, told, We 2 The air, be, polluted, not, must 3 planted, The trees, be, must 4 The litter, be, in, the forests, left, must, not 5 must, be, not, Animals, killed, their, furs, for 6 keep, our, for, living, planet, Let’s, suitable!   Приложение3 Change the sentences using passive structures 1 We will feed the birds in winter 2 We will build the birds’ houses in spring 3 We take care about animals 4 We won’t frighten animals in the forests 5 The people will plant many trees 6 They will not leave the fire in the forest   Приложение4 Finish up the sentences and collect the picture 1 We must not leave the fire in the forest, because animals …. a) are hurt      b) will be hurt       c) is hurt 2 We must not throw litter in the river, because water …. a) is polluted       b) is damaged    c) is hurt 3 When we cut trees, birds …. a) are frightened        b) is frightened     c) is polluted 4 When plastic bottles …. , nature is destroyed a) is left          b) will be left        c) are left 5 The climate is changed, when the air …. a) is hurt       b) is damaged     c) is polluted 6 When glass bottles …. in the forests, animals and people are hurt a) is broken            b) are broken     c) is c
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Приложение 2. 1. We are told to protect the nature. 2. The air must not be polluted. 3. The trees must be planted. 4. The litter must not be left in the forests. 5. Animals must not be killed for their furs. 6. Lets keep our planet for living suitable! Приложение 4. 1. b 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B
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