Написать письмо другу по переписке и рассказать ему о своей поездке в Лондон.
Написать письмо другу по переписке и рассказать ему о своей поездке в Лондон.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Dear John,
Sorry for not answering, I was really busy with my homework. Thank you for your letter, I was really happy to hear from you again.
Well, as you know, i went to London with my parents last week. Our journey was absolutelly breathtaking! We lived in the hotel near Big Ben. We went to a guided tour. It was really exciting to meet historical places of the city. Moreover, we went sightseeing. We also visited different squers, parks and museums and met with local culture.
Sorry, I have to go now. My dad is calling me.
Keep in touch!
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