Необходимо соотнести существительные с глаголами1. climb a. books2. run i. a tree3. eat o. football4. go y. nice food5. spend e. in the sea6. stay h. rides7. play d. a parade8. put on k. gifts9. read l. different place...
Необходимо соотнести существительные с глаголами
1. climb a. books
2. run i. a tree
3. eat o. football
4. go y. nice food
5. spend e. in the sea
6. stay h. rides
7. play d. a parade
8. put on k. gifts
9. read l. different places
10. swim m. clothes
11. go on n. time
12. visit r. letters
13. watch w. shopping
14. write s. races
15. buy and bring t. at home
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. climb i. a tree
2. run s. races
3. eat y. nice food
4. go w. shopping
5. spend n. time
6. stay t. at home
7. play o. football
8. put on m. clothes
9. read a. books
10. swim e. in the sea
11. go on d. a parade
12. visit l. different places
13. watch h. rides
14. write r. letters
15. buy and bring k. gifts
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