Помогите! IV. Find the right word/ phrase to fill the blank. 1. … have been burning for three weeks and have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest. 2. The harvest has failed because of the terrible … which has affected the...

Помогите! IV. Find the right word/ phrase to fill the blank. 1. … have been burning for three weeks and have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest. 2. The harvest has failed because of the terrible … which has affected the country. 3. Asian countries are often hit by … caused by heavy rain in the monsoon period. 4. A lot of damage has been caused by the … which erupted two weeks ago. 5. A major … is expected in California so they are introducing new building regulations to minimize the losses. 6. During … it is necessary to avoid staying under trees as lightning is likely to hit them.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1Forest-fires 2drought 3floods 4volcano 5tornado 6thunderstorm
1. Forest fire have been burning for three weeks and have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest. 2. The harvest has failed because of the terrible heavy rainfall which has affected the country. 3. Asian countries are often hit by flash floods and landslides caused by heavy rain in the monsoon period. 4. A lot of damage has been caused by the  volcano which erupted two weeks ago. 5. A major tornado is expected in California so they are introducing new building regulations to minimize the losses. 6. During thunderstorm it is necessary to avoid staying under trees as lightning is likely to hit them. 1. Лесной пожар уже горел в течение трех недель и уничтожили тысячи гектаров леса. 2. Сбор урожая не удался из-за ужасно сильных дождей, которые затронули страну. 3. азиатские страны часто страдали от внезапных наводнений и оползней, вызванных проливными дождями в период муссонов. 4. Большой ущерб был вызван вулканом, который извергался две недели назад. 5. Крупный торнадо ожидается, в Калифорнии, так что они принимают новые строительные нормы и правила, чтобы минимизировать потери. 6. Во время грозы необходимо избегать пребывания под деревьями, так как молния, вероятно, может ударить в  них.
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