Помогите, нужно очень срочно на завтра. 1. Choose the best word a or b to complete the sentences. 2 I . .. crick

Помогите, нужно очень срочно на завтра. 1. Choose the best word a or b to complete the sentences. 2 I . .. cricket, but I would like to try. a) never played; b) have never played 3 .. . any good books about sports personalities? a) Did you read; b) Have you read 4 What ... last weekend? a) did you do; b) have you done 5 Pete .. . basketball before, but he's going to have lessons. a) didn't play; b) hasn't played 2.Complete the text with the past simple or the present perfect of the verbs in brackets. When 1 did snowboarding become (snowboarding/become) a real sport? It is difficult to say who 2 __ (invent) the sport of snowboarding, although most people agree that it 3 __ (develop) because surfers wanted to 'surf' in the snow. People 4 __ (use) lots of different things as snowboards. In 1965 a company 5 __ (design) the 'Snurfer' as a child's toy. In 1977 you 6 __ (can) buy the 'Flying Yellow Banana'which was a bit like a skateboard. Many people 7 __ (try) to make the sport more official. In 1985 the first snowboarding magazine 8 __ (start) and it was very popular. More online magazines 9 __ (appear) in the last few years. Snowboarders 10 __ (have) a bad boy image in the beginning but that 11 __ (change) now. Snowboarding is now an Olympic event and the number of snowboarders 12 __ (grown) to about five million.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. 2. a) 3. b) 4. a) 5. b)
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