Помогите пожулйста)дам много баллов 3 вопроса

Помогите пожулйста)дам много баллов 3 вопроса
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Любые три вопроса??? What is your favorite movie? How old are you? Why didn't you do your homework?
#4 1 Mary isn't sleeping. Is Mary sleeping? 2 You aren't listening to the radio. Are you listening to the radio? 3 I am not studying. Am I studying? 4 You aren't eating now. Are you eating now? 5 We aren't drinking coffee at the moment. Are we drinking coffee at the moment? #5 2 shines 3 is waiting for 4 wait for 5 have 6 am having 7 plays 8 he is playing 9 play 10 are playing 11 doesn't make.... she is making 12 makes 13 is making 14 what are you looking at? I am looking - I like 15 am making 16 make #6 1 am resting - rest 2 are talking now- talk 3 is drinking-drinks 4 is going to-she goes 5 are they having -have 6 What is she writing -What does she write 7 What is he doing - What does he do 8 What are they eating - What do they eat
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