Помогите правильно решить контрольную Write down the negative (-) and interrogative (?) forms of the sentences in

Помогите правильно решить контрольную Write down the negative (-) and interrogative (?) forms of the sentences inPresent Simple: (+) My dog likes playing with me. (+) I read detective stories in the evening. (+) My friend likes watching horror films. Translate the sentences into English in Present Continuous: Моя мама готовит обед на кухне сейчас. Я слушаю музыку и делаю домашнее задание сейчас. Use ‘be+going to’ to complete the sentences: Fiona _________ buy an mp3 player for her brother. She saved enough money. I've got a ticket for the rock concert. I ________ be there tonight. We_____________organize a birthday party for Brian. Translate the sentences into English in the Future Simple: Мы выиграем матч в этом году. Я встречусь с друзьями завтра. Open the brackets and use Conditional I: If we _________(go) on holiday this summer, we__________(go) to Spain. If the weather __________(not / improve), we___________(not / have) a picnic. If I________(not / go) to bed early, I __________(be) tired tomorrow. If we _________(eat) all this cake, we _________(feel) sick. If you _______(not / want) to go out, I ________(cook) dinner at home.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. My dog doesn't like playing with me.-Does your dog like playing with you?-общий Специальные: Who likes playing with you? Whom do you like playing with? What do you like doing? I don't read detective stories in the evening. - Do you read detective stories in the evening?-общий Специальные: Who reads detective stories in the evening? What do you read in the evening? When do you read detective stories? My friend doesn't like watching horror films.-Does your friend like watching horror films?-общий Специальные: What does your friend like doing? Who likes watching horror films? Which (What kind of) films does your friend like watching? 2. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen now. I am listening to music and doing my homework now. 3. Fiona is going to buy...... I am going (I'm going) to be...... We are going (=We're going) to organize.....  4. We'll (We will) win match this year.  I'll meet with my friends tomorrow. 5. If we go......we'll (=we will) go..... If the weather doesn't improve, we won't (=will not) have.... If I don't go.....I'll (=I will) be...... If we don't eat.......we'll (=we will) feel sick. If you don't want......I'll (=I will) cook......
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