Помогите выбрать подходящий вариант из предложенных!??? 1. I'm sorry I forgot to call/calling you, but I was really busy. 2. I stopped in Paris for a few days to meet/meeting Henry. 3. We‟ve stopped to meet/meeting so often....

Помогите выбрать подходящий вариант из предложенных!??? 1. I'm sorry I forgot to call/calling you, but I was really busy. 2. I stopped in Paris for a few days to meet/meeting Henry. 3. We‟ve stopped to meet/meeting so often. It was a waste of time. 4. Learning a language means to be/being interested in the culture as well. 5. I meant to make/making some more photocopies, but I didn‟t have time. 6. Please remember to speak/speaking to Josie when you see her. 7. I don‟t remember to say/saying anything like that.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. to call 2. to meet 3. meeting 4. being 5. to make 6. to speak 7. saying
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