Поставьте артикли там, где необходимо. 1. I come to … work by … bus. Today … bus was a bit late. 2. … Jack is … youngest but … cleverest boy at … school. 3. It rained, so I stayed at … home in … evening. But today … sun is...

Поставьте артикли там, где необходимо. 1. I come to … work by … bus. Today … bus was a bit late. 2. … Jack is … youngest but … cleverest boy at … school. 3. It rained, so I stayed at … home in … evening. But today … sun is shining brightly in … sky. 4. On … Monday … kids were tired and they went to … bed very early. 5. My wife is … best woman in … world and I’m … happiest husband! 6. They are having … test on … third of December. 7. What … beautiful painting! … artist is such … talented person 8. Robin Hood robbed … rich and helped … poor. 9. David is … old friend of mine. He plays … guitar perfectly. His sister has been playing … tennis since … age of ten. 10. … Jacksons live in that lovely cottage with … fantastic garden. 11. Sam used … drugs and was sent to … prison in … August. What … shame! 12. … Harrisons are not religious and they never go to … church. 13. He has been in … hospital for … month. 14. … English are very fond of … gardening. 15. I’ve tried to learn … Japanese many times. 16. She is … famous actress and she often appears on … TV. 17. It’s such … original idea! Besides you’ve got … good sense of humour. 18. On … rainy day … castle looks like … prison.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Поставьте артикли там, где необходимо. 1. I come to  work by  bus. Today the bus was a bit late. 2.  Jack is the youngest but the cleverest boy at  school. 3. It rained, so I stayed at  home in the evening. But today the sun is shining brightly in the sky. 4. On  Monday  kids were tired and they went to bed very early. 5. My wife is the best woman in the world and I’m the happiest husband! 6. They are having a test on the third of December. 7. What a beautiful painting! The artist is such a talented person 8. Robin Hood robbed the rich and helped the poor. 9. David is an old friend of mine. He plays the guitar perfectly. His sister has been playing  tennis since the age of ten. 10. The Jacksons live in that lovely cottage with a fantastic garden. 11. Sam used  drugs and was sent to  prison in  August. What a shame! 12. The Harrisons are not religious and they never go to  church. 13. He has been in  hospital for a month. 14. The English are very fond of  gardening. 15. I’ve tried to learn  Japanese many times. 16. She is a famous actress and she often appears on  TV. 17. It’s such an original idea! Besides you’ve got a good sense of humour. 18. On a rainy day the castle looks like a prison.
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