ПОСТАВЬТЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ В СКОБКАХ В FUTURE SIMPLE, FUTURE CONTINUOUS, FUTURE PERFECT 1.He (to leave) for home by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 2. We (to discuss) this issue at 10 o’clock next Tuesday. 3. Tomorrow at this time they (to have) a ...

ПОСТАВЬТЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ В СКОБКАХ В FUTURE SIMPLE, FUTURE CONTINUOUS, FUTURE PERFECT 1.He (to leave) for home by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 2. We (to discuss) this issue at 10 o’clock next Tuesday. 3. Tomorrow at this time they (to have) a lesson on Computer Science. 4. I (to send) you a message as soon as I arrive home. 5. She (to finish) all her work by 6 o’clock and we (to go) to the movies tonight. 6. I (to write) a report from 5 till 8 tonight, so I (to do) it by Friday. 7. I think my sister (not to go) to the party tonight. She (to pre- pare) for her exam the whole evening. 8. Most people think that computers (to do) many different jobs of the future. 9. My friends are going to the football match. It begins at 6 and it’s already 5.40. When they get there, the match (to start) al- ready. 10. One day perhaps computers (to drive) taxis or (to work) in shops.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1will have left 2will be discussing 3will be having 4will send 5will have finished, will go 6will be writing, will have done 7won't go, will be preparing 8will do 9will have started 10will drive,will work
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