Придумайте 5 предложений с этими словами:separatepolitelyhonestscientistshowed

Придумайте 5 предложений с этими словами: separate politely honest scientist showed
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Вот выбирай что хочешь. 1They described the process used to separate cream from milk.A great distance separated the sisters from each other.They walked together to the corner, but then they separated and went their separate ways.The main group separated into several smaller groups.Oil and water separate when combined together.The oil separated from the water.The salt crystals separated out of the liquid.There are separate restrooms for men and women.The boys have separate rooms.They slept in separate beds.We use the same Internet service provider but have separate accounts.That's an entirely separate issue.The garage is separated from the house by a path and a flower garden.Only one game separates us from total victory.This part of the garden should be separated off for vegetables.2.It was polite of him to hold the door for them.Please be polite to the guests.It isn't polite to interrupt people when they're talking.She received some polite applause despite the mistakes in her performance.the policeman answered politely, 'Now look here, lady...'He replied politely that he felt a little better.He got angry when I politely remonstrated with him about littering....spoke politely of the deceased, as befitted the occasion...I politely sipped my tepid coffee.She asked me politely for the book.The audience clapped politely but without much enthusiasm.They demurred politely, but finally agreed to stay.He intimated, politely but firmly, that we were not welcome.'Can I help you?' she asked politely.She politely declined his proposal of marriage.3.He says that it's impossible to find an honest politician.These criminals pose a danger to honest citizens.He has an honest face.Just give me an honest answer.If you want my honest opinion, you should get a job.To be perfectly honest, I don't want to go.He gave us a painfully honest account of his childhood.It was an honest error.He still goes to the office every morning and puts in an honest day's work.He is honest about this matter with us.He was a hard-working, honest man.Ann had an honest face.Do you want my honest opinion?Let's be honest: the only reason she married him was for his money.At least he was honest with you. 4. The scientist presented his results to the committee.a movie about a mad scientist...the scientist wrote a bare-bones abstract of his research and conclusions......you'll need the patience of a saint and the cerebrum of a rocket scientist to figure out the solution to this brainteaser......an extremely serious scientist who is not much given to dalliance or idle chitchat......as a serious scientist, she is only interested in demonstrable phenomena......the reclusive scientist has been called a loose cannon and a fruitcake by his detractors...a scientist who spent her life plumbing the minds of criminalsThe story is about a scientist who claimed that he could resurrect the dead.She has a mind for serious inquiry, as befits a scientist.You have a duty as a scientist to communicate your discovery to the world.At a special meeting, the scientist unfolded his plan to the government committee.The magazine combines the accuracy of the scientist with the eye of the artist.He's not really a scientist; he's just an overblown technician.He has hope, but also a scientist's sense of realism.
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