Решите пожалуйста, даю много баллов В картинке

Решите пожалуйста, даю много баллов В картинке
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.1.didn't understand 2.would finish 3.wanted 4.were doing 5.had done 6.had done 7.was helping 8.would not finish 9.didn't want 10.hadn't finished 2.1.belong 2.writing 3.analyse 4.memorising 5.solve 3.1. Max said that he engoyed working in a team. 2.Kate said that she hadn't organized her learning properly. 3.Ann tols us that her brother had joined the army. 4. My sister told my aunt that she had had to memorise a poem. 5.Jake told me I would have fun in the debating club. 6.David said that first year training was important. 7. Casper said that they didn't study economics at school 4. 1. development 2.cooperation 3.evidence,  4.abilities 5.differences Reading 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T communication 1. I want 2 with you 3.Can I 4.sorry 5.all right 6.'ve got 7. see you
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