The present simple of the present continious? ( где большие буквы, там надо правильно вставить в предложение) Underline the correct form og the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Let'go to Phoneland, they SELL \ ARE SELLING mo...

The present simple of the present continious? ( где большие буквы, там надо правильно вставить в предложение) Underline the correct form og the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Let'go to Phoneland, they SELL \ ARE SELLING mobiles really cheaply at the moment. 2. My computer's broken so i USE \ AM USING my brother's until i get it fixed. 3. Sveta is Russian. She COMES \ IS COMING from Omsk. 4. I GET \ AM GETTING more and more worried about giving my presentation tomorrow. 5. Every summer McDonald's SPEND \ ARE SPENDING extra money on advertising ice cream. 6. My friends DESIGN \ ARE DESIGNING their own website. It looks great. 7. Many people ARE WORKING \ WORK in the computer industry. 8. Hey, don't leave without me! I COME \ AM COMING right now. БУДУ ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО БЛАГОДАРЕН!!!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. are selling 2. I use 3. comes 4. am getting 5. spend 6. design 7. work 8. I am coming
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