Употребите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол (can, must, may)1. … you tell me the way to the post office? 2. Pupils … come to school in time. 3. … I have your pen, please? 4. You … take my book if you like. 5. The sick man ...

Употребите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол (can, must, may) 1. … you tell me the way to the post office? 2. Pupils … come to school in time. 3. … I have your pen, please? 4. You … take my book if you like. 5. The sick man can sit up today, but he … do it yesterday. 6. Take your umbrella with you. It … rain. 7. I … learn this grammar rule. I don’t know it. 8. She … meet her friends at the railway station yesterday. 9. … I have another cup of coffee? 10. She says I must do it at once, but yesterday  I … do it just as quickly.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.can или may поставь чепез черточку поскольку ты пожешь знать или не знать человеку у которого спрашиваешь 2.must 3.can или мау тоже через черточку но лучше may поскольку это вежливая просьба 4. сan 5.must 6.мау 7.мust 8.must 9.can/may 10.must
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