Упр. 14. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Are there many ... magazines on ... table? 2. There are two Windows in ... room. 3. His daughter is ... girl of ten. 4. Their sons go to ... school every day. 5. Her parents live in...

Упр. 14. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Are there many ... magazines on ... table? 2. There are two Windows in ... room. 3. His daughter is ... girl of ten. 4. Their sons go to ... school every day. 5. Her parents live in ... Kyiv. 6. My father often rests on ... Sunday. 7. Our flat is on ... third floor. 8. Today is ... ninth of September. 9. Pete, go to ... blackboard. 10. Oh ... Monday he comes from ... school a t ... 5 o’clock.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.--- the 2.the 3.a 4.--- 5.--- 6.---- 7.the 8.the 9.the 10.--- --- --- Будь уверен(а), все 100○/○ правильно.
1.×.The table 2.the room 3. a 4.× 5. а 6.× 7. × 8.the 9.the 10.×,×,×
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