В1. Find an extra word in each line.1.I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s the  first time I’ve ______ 2.      ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time! I’ve seen        ______ 3.      loads of int...

В1. Find an extra word in each line. 1.I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s the  first time I’ve ______ 2.      ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time! I’ve seen        ______ 3.      loads of interesting places and I have to also made loads of new friends_______ .   В2. Match to make sentences(there is one letter you don’t need) 1.      I think _____                A for his glasses. Have you seen them? 2.      I’m thinking _______     B  not old enough to drive a car 3.      Phil’s looking______     C I’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.                                            D of getting Dad a CD for his birthday. В3. Complete the sentences with one word: 1.       If clothes are not casual, they are ___________. 2.      Something that costs a lot of money is ___________. 3.      Be quiet! Stop being so _________!   В4. Use the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences: (1)   1980 was the year _______ I first went back to the small village (2)_______ I was born.I was only three years old  when my parents went to live in the States, (3)____ I now consider my home.   В5. Complete the questions with a preposition.. 1. What do you use the Internet ______?   2. What cultures are you interested ______?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
B1. 1. To 2. Going 3. To B2. 1.D 2.C 3.B B3. 1. Tidy 2. Expensive 3. Noisy B4. 1. When 2.where 3.which B5. 1. On 2. In
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