Выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1) They have got a lot of ... a) horse b) toy c) corn 2) Have they got ... oranges? a) many b)much c) an 3) Have they got ... orange juice? a) many b) much c) a 4) She has got ... doll...

Выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1) They have got a lot of ... a) horse b) toy c) corn 2) Have they got ... oranges? a) many b)much c) an 3) Have they got ... orange juice? a) many b) much c) a 4) She has got ... doll. a) many b) much c) a 5) He must ... English. a) speaks b) speak c) to speak 6) I ... to sing the song. a) would like b) can c) must 7) I must not ... to the park. a) go b) goes c) to go 8) The boys ... strong. a) have b) is c) are 9) He ... hockey. a) play b) to play c) plays
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) They have got a lot of ...  c) corn 2) Have they got ... oranges? a) many 3) Have they got ... orange juice?  b) much 4) She has got ... doll.  c) a 5) He must ... English.  b) speak 6) I ... to sing the song. a) would like 7) I must not ... to the park. a) go 8) The boys ... strong.  c) are 9) He ... hockey.  c) plays
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