Закончи предложение, it's или its 1. This is a dog and that is ... bone. ... big 2. This is a town. ... name is Boston. ... a big town. 3. This is a sheep. ... brown. ... nose is black. 4.This is a book. ... little. ... an old ...

Закончи предложение, it's или its 1. This is a dog and that is ... bone. ... big 2. This is a town. ... name is Boston. ... a big town. 3. This is a sheep. ... brown. ... nose is black. 4.This is a book. ... little. ... an old book. ... name is "Old Town''
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. This is a dog and that is its bone. It's big. 2. This is a town. Its name is Boston. It's a big town. 3. This is a sheep. It's brown. Its nose is black. 4. This is a book. It's little. It's an old book. Its name is «Old Town».
1)its it's 2) it's,its 3)it's its 4)it's its
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