Английский язык

Переведите пожалуйста)))) Technological civilisation. We are a technological society. Technology appeared when a human used a stone as for the first time. Nowadays it is impossible imagine our life without technology, it has changed and improved our life and, actually, we depend on technology. Let's remember some of the most impor tant inventions: 1.One of the oldest technologies is silk produc- tion. It became an industry about 5000 year ago in China. Silk production is associated with the first known woman inventor, Xiling- shi, the wife of Emperor Huangdi She is also credited with the idea of making clothes of silk and the invention of the loom. For several thousand years Ilk production remained s a Chinese secret. Only in the Sth century two monks stole silk eggs and mulberry seeds and brought them to Byzantine Empire. China is still the world leader in silk production. 2.The first printed book appeared at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Re- naissance. Johan Gutenberg, a German inven- tor, created a printing press. In 1455 he pub- lished the Bible that is considered to be the first printed book. This invention changed the world and during the following fifty years thenumber of published books was more than i in the previous thousand years. It was revolution in information technology. 3. Historians say that the first ships appeared about 10000 years ago but they couldn't be called real ships, they were some primitive ves- sels with animal skins as sails. Models of ships moved by people were used in ancient Egypt about 6000 years ago. A thousand years later the Egyptians used ships with sails moved by the wind. Still there is a question: How did the first Australian inhabitants travelled at least 70 kilo metres across the ocean 60000 years ago? 4. We don't know for sure who invented the tel- scope but the first person who patented the in vention was Hans Lippershey in 1608 Galileo made another telescope the following year. His studies changed the beliefs that the Earth was the centre of the solar system. In 1688 Isaac Newton created another type of a telescope with mirrors and this idea is used in most tel- scopes nowadays. 5. The Word "computer" was first used in the 17th century and it described a human do calculations. Later people realis chines could be much better in calculations and 1888 the first working computer was de signed by Herman Holler, He used electric ity and pinched cards in his machine. Actually, American inventor started automatic data processing. The first commercially available computers appeared in 1951 and at the end of the 1960's they were used in many companies. Now we can't imagine our life without com- putters and it is difficult to believe that personal computers were created in 1975. 6. In the 1940's first lasers appeared, they were based on principles described by Albert Ein stein in the theory of stimulated emission in 1917. Scientists in the USA and Russia devel- oped lasers and two of them, Charles Townes and Alexander Prokhorov, were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964 Today lasers are used in different spheres, for example, medicine.
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