Курсовая работа: Синтез схеми ПЛІС для інвертора
carry_out <= curr_carry;
pc_out <= curr_pc;
acc_out <= curr_acc;
ir_out <= curr_ir;
sel_ram <= sel_data_ram;
-- external RAM control signals
oeb <= NOT(read);-- enable RAM drivers during RAM read operations
web <= NOT(write);-- RAM write line (in last half of clock)
-- address either the data or program sections of the external RAM
address <= "000" & curr_ir(3 DOWNTO 0) WHEN sel_data_ram='1' ELSE
-- drive the accumulator contents into the RAM during write operations
-- but disable the drivers into high-impedance state at all other times
data <= "0000" & curr_acc WHEN write='1' ELSE "ZZZZZZZZ";
-- load the instruction register with a new opcode
next_ir <= data WHEN ld_ir='1' ELSE
-- or load only the lower 4 bits of the IR with data
curr_ir(7 DOWNTO 4) & data(3 DOWNTO 0) WHEN ld_ir_lsn='1' ELSE
-- or else don't change the IR
-- load the PC with an address to jump to
next_pc <= curr_ir(6 DOWNTO 0) WHEN jump_pc='1' ELSE
-- or increment the PC
curr_pc+1 WHEN inc_pc='1' ELSE
-- or else don't change the PC
-- this process describes the operations of the ALU
PROCESS (alu_op,curr_zero,curr_carry,curr_acc,curr_ir,sum)