Курсовая работа: Синтез схеми ПЛІС для інвертора
-- implied latches
sum <= "00000";
next_acc <= "0000";
next_carry <= '0';
next_zero <= '0';
CASE alu_op IS
-- add the accumulator with the lower 4 bits of the IR and the carry
sum <= ('0' & curr_acc) + ('0' & curr_ir(3 DOWNTO 0))
+ ("0000" & curr_carry);
next_acc <= sum(3 DOWNTO 0);-- ACC gets lower 4 bits of the sum
next_carry <= sum(4);-- carry is the most significant bit of the sum
next_zero <= curr_zero;-- zero flag is not changed
-- XOR the accumulator with the lower 4 bits of the IR
next_acc <= curr_acc XOR curr_ir(3 DOWNTO 0);
next_carry <= curr_carry; -- carry flag is not changed
next_zero <= curr_zero; -- zero flag is not changed
-- pass lower 4 bits of IR into ACC
next_acc <= curr_ir(3 DOWNTO 0);
next_carry <= curr_carry; -- carry flag is not changed
next_zero <= curr_zero; -- zero flag is not changed
-- test the ACC for zeroes in unmasked bit positions
next_acc <= curr_acc; -- ACC is not changed
next_carry <= curr_carry;-- carry is not changed
-- zero flag is set if ACC has zeroes where IR has ones
next_zero <= NOT( (curr_acc(3) AND curr_ir(3))