Курсовая работа: Сравнительный анализ образа женщины в английских и русских пословицах

Experience is the mistress of fools.

Experience is the mother of wisdom.

Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

Faithfulness is a sister of love.

Fortune is the mistress of the field.

Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.

Four good mothers have four bad daughters: truth, hatred; prosperity, pride; security, peril; familiarity, contempt.

Haste is the mother of imperfection.

Haste is the sister of repentance.

Ignorance is the mother of devotion.

Knowledge is the mother of all virtue; all vice proceeds from ignorance.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Night is the mother of counsel.

Poverty is the mother of crime.

Poverty is the mother of health.

The mother of mischief is no bigger than a midge’s wind.

The world is like a dancing girl – it dances for a little while to everyone.

Trade is the mother of money.

Trust is the mother of deceit.

Truth is God’s daughter.

Truth is time’s daughter.

Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter.

Whatsoever was the father of a disease, an ill diet was the mother.

Wonder is the daughter of ignorance.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2. Женщина в русских пословицах.

1. Положение женщины в обществе, непредсказуемость ее нрава, взаимоотношения с противоположным полом.

1.1 Баба-женщина

Кобыла не лошадь, баба не человек.

Бабе дорога – от печи до порога.

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