Реферат: Business Plan Essay Research Paper Nicholas BelcherBusiness

is done by the people who are entirely responsible, the planning done by

those who will implement. Weaknesses: most managers are terribly overburdened

already, unable to find incremental resources in time and people to apply to

incremental opportunities. Also, there is a lot of additional risk in market

development and channel development done in house from the ground up.

Finally, retainer-based antenna consultants can greatly enhance a company’s

reach and extend its position into conversations that might otherwise never

have taken place.

4. 3 Market Analysis

As indicated by the illustrations, we must focus on a few thousand well-

chosen potential customers in the United States, Europe, and Latin America.

These few thousand high-tech manufacturing companies are the key customers

for Progressive.

Potential Customers Growth rate


U.S. High Tech 5,000 10%

European High Tech 1,000 15%

Latin America 250 35%

Other 10,000 2%


Total 16,250 N.A.

5. 0 Strategy Summary

Progressive will focus on three geographical markets, the United States,

Europe, and Latin America, and in limited product segments: personal

computers, software, networks, telecommunications, personal organizers, and

technology integration products. The target customer is usually a manager in

a larger corporation, and occasionally an owner or president of a medium-

sized corporation in a high-growth period.

5. 1 Pricing Strategy

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