Учебное пособие: Business english
Carried unanimously.
1998-1999: Development of European markets:
A team is to be set up to consider ways in which the company can meet the challenge. Members should be drawn from the Sales, Finance and Marketing Departments; Mr. Jones will be the chairman of this.
Other developments: After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr.Smith should look into the possibilities of moving some manufacturing operations to Kenya.
Proposen:Mr Jones Seconder:Ms. Carson
Carried without objections
Next year promotional budget.The Heads of the Design, Promotion, Sales and Marketing Departments are to form a group to work on this.
The group will be chaired by Mr.Jones and he will notify the people concerned.
Any other business:
Since there was nothing further, the meeting was adjourned.
Date of the next meeting: The next meeting will be held on 12 March.
Read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension:
chaired — під головуванням — под председательством
proposer — той, хто вносить пропозицію — вносящий предложение
seconder — той, хто підтримує пропозицію — поддерживающий предложение
apology — вибачення — извинения
to carry unanimously — прийняти одноголосно — принять единогласно
set up — засновувати, організовувати — основывать, организовывать
meet the challenge — вжити заходів на випадок претензій — принять меры на случай претензий
notify — повідомляти — уведомлять
adjourn — припинити (збори) — прекратить (собрание)
Topics for further discussion.
1) Is it necessary to prepare for negotiations?
2) Do you know how to hold the negotiations successfully?
3) What qualities do the people need to hold negotiations?
4) What does a good text of the contract mean for a busi
5) Is it useful to know how to write an agreement, a protocol?