Учебное пособие: Business english

Hotel deposit

Price category АВ

per room 100 75

Administration fee 150

Taxi Voucher 30

Social events 100

Sightseeing tour 200


Payment should be made in USD , payable to Stockholm

Convention Bureau

Banker's Draft. Eurocard/Mastercard....

Diners Club...... American Express.........


Bank account..............................

Charge my card No................... with expiry


Total USD:...............

Date.................... Signature...................


8. You have to prepare a speech about your scientific research. Do it using the following phrases and word combinations

I would like to begin with......

The key thing I'd like to start with is..

The subject of my speech is

I'm going to deal with......

I'd like to fix(draw) your attention on (to) the following questions

Assume that

These assumptions call attention to......

On the other hand..

It is safe to say that..

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