Choose the right variant. 1.___beforehand, we___the catastrophe. a) did we know, would prevent b) would we know, had prevented c) had we known, would have prevented d) should we know, had prevented 2.1 don't know how___him. I w...

Choose the right variant. 1.___beforehand, we___the catastrophe. a) did we know, would prevent b) would we know, had prevented c) had we known, would have prevented d) should we know, had prevented 2.1 don't know how___him. I wish I___his name. a) address, did not know b) to address, knew c) addressing, would know d) to address, should know 3.1 look forward to___a rest. I___as if my head _ splitting. a) having, feel, were b) having, feel myself, were c) have, had felt, were d) have, am feeling, is 4. He couldn't remember his mother___, But would everything_______if mother hadn't died? a) dying, be, differently b) to die, have been, as different c) dying, have been, different d) die, has been, so different 5. "Oh, Mary," she said. "I wish you___with us, for we had___fun." a) had been, such a b) were, so___ c) would be, so a d) had been, such___ 6.1 remember his colour___away in a moment and he seemed___as if he___. a) go, breathing, had been running b) to go, to breathe, ran c) going, to breathe, had been running d) have gone, to be breathing, was running 7. The vase is beautiful. You_______to match___ you___. a) wouldn't find, another, unless, had tried b) wouldn't have found, the other, if, would have tried c) shouldn't find, the other, unless, tried d) wouldn't find, another, if, tried 8. If you___the medicine the doctor prescribed you, you_______now. a) had taken, would feel, much better b) took, would feel, much more well c) would take, would feel yourself, much more better d) had taken, would have felt, much more good 9.1 remember it so___as if it___only yesterday. a) clear, happened b) clearly, had happened c) clear, would have happened d) clearly, would happen 10. If you___the article I recommended you, you ___how___such questions. a) had read, had known, to answer b) read, would know, the answer c) would have read» would know, answer d) had read, would know, to answer 11.1 must be off now. If it___not so___, I___a little longer. a) were, lately, would stay b) were, late, would stay c) had been, late, would have stayed d) wouldn't be, lately, stayed 12.___I___the story from his own lips I___ that he was capable of___action. a) if, had heard, would never believe, such b) unless, had heard, would have never believed, such an c) in case, have heard, would never believe, so an d) provided, had heard, would have never believed, such 13. In order to make our demands effective and to get the authorities___them we suggested that there ___no return to work today. a) to fulfil, be b) fulfil, should be c) fulfilled, would be d) fulfilling, were 14.1 am going to have my kitchen___. It is necessary that every crack___covered; also between___floor and___door. a) to repair, will be, the.___ b) to be repaired, is,___. the c) repaired, should be, the , the d) being repaired, be,___,___ 15. John demanded that Andrew___to the house with him to.___ tea. a) would return,___ b) returned, the c) return,___ d) should return, the 16. She wished he___what he___to say, and let a) would say, has, her to go b) said, had, she go c) had said, would have, she going d) said, had, her go 17. He thought how hard the wind___and how the cold sharp rain___in his face at that moment, if he___ ___at home. a) was blowing, would be beating, were not sitting, comfortably b) is blowing, will be beating, is not sitting, comfortable c) blew, beat, was not sitting, comfortably d) had blown, had beaten, were not sitting, comfortable 18.1___to your place with pleasure___nothing ___me, a) will come, unless, prevented b) will come, if, prevents c) would come, unless, prevented d) would have come, providing, would prevent 19. When they_______lunch he suggested that they ___a stroll to___Luxembourg museum. a) have finished, the, should have, the b) finished,___, had,___ c) would have finished, a, would have,___ d) had finished,___, have, the 20. You never did anything___to___. If you _ you___more support now. a) well, someone, did, would have b) good, anyone, did, would have had c) well, anyone, had done, would have had d) good, anyone, had done, would have
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. c) had we known, would have prevented 2. b) to address, knew 3. d) have, am feeling, is 4. c) dying, have been, different 5. d) had been, such___ 6. c) going, to breathe, had been running 7. d) wouldn't find, another, if, tried 8.a) had taken, would feel, much better 9. b) clearly, had happened 10. d) had read, would know, to answer 11. b) were, late, would stay 12. a) if, had heard, would never believe, such 13. a) to fulfil, be 14. c) repaired, should be, the , the 15. d) should return, the 16. d) said, had, her go 17. c) blew, beat, was not sitting, comfortably 18. b) will come, if, prevents 19. d) had finished,___, have, the 20.b) good, anyone, did, would have had
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