Напиши правильное возвратное местоимение: myself / yourself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / yourselves / themselves 1) Robert made this T-shirt 2) Lisa did the homework 3) We helped . 4) Emma, did you take the ...

Напиши правильное возвратное местоимение: myself / yourself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / yourselves / themselves 1) Robert made this T-shirt 2) Lisa did the homework 3) We helped . 4) Emma, did you take the photo by ? 5) I wrote this poem 6) My brother often talks to 7) Alice and Doris collected the stickers by 8) Jane is a baby, she is too small to eat by . 9) Peter is very lazy. He always copies his friendґs homework and never does it by 10) The film wasn't very good, but I liked the music.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 himself 2 herself 3 ourselves 4 yourself 5 myself 6 himself 7 themselves 8 herself 9 himself 10 itself
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