Помогите пожалуйста раскрыть скобки! Ada Lovelace Ada Byron _______ (be born) in London on 10 December, 1815. She _______ (be) the daughter of the famous British poet, Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella. Five weeks later, her ...

Помогите пожалуйста раскрыть скобки! Ada Lovelace Ada Byron _______ (be born) in London on 10 December, 1815. She _______ (be) the daughter of the famous British poet, Lord Byron and his wife, Annabella. Five weeks later, her parents _______ (separate). Her mother _______ (not want) Ada to be a poet like her father, so she _______ (teach) her Maths and Science. Ada was a Maths genius but she also had her father's imagination. In 1828, when she was only thirteen, Ada _______ (design) a flying machine. Then, when she was eighteen, Ada _______ (meet) the inventor, Charles Babbage. She _______ (help) him with his work and he had a big influence on her life. Ada _______ (marry) Lord Lovelace in 1835 and they _______ (have) three children. After that, she _______ (work) with Babbage on his new calculating machine. In 1843, she _______ (write) an article about it with a plan for calculating numbers. This plan was the first computer program. Ada _______ (have) an important influence on computer history because she _______ (predict) the modern computer. In 1980, when American scientists _______ (invent) a new computer language, they called it ADA. Ada ¬_______ (die) on 27 November, 1852, at the age of 36.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
was born, was, separated, didn't want, taught, designed, met, helped, married, had, worked, wrote, had, predicted, invented, died
was born is separated didn't want tought designed met helped married have worked wrote had predicted invented died там где настоящее время-это смотря как рассматривать ибо она все еще является их дочерью и у нее по-прежнему есть дети
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