Прошу помогите с английским упр 15 ( составить предложения ),упр 16 ( составить план текста The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ) и упр 19 по образцу прошу срочно дам 50 баллов )) заранее спасибо

Прошу помогите с английским упр 15 ( составить предложения ),упр 16 ( составить план текста The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ) и упр 19 по образцу прошу срочно дам 50 баллов )) заранее спасибо
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
#19  The Welsh live in Wales.They speak Welsh English and Welsh. The Scottish live in Scotland.They speak Scottish English,Gaelic and Scots. The Irish live in Ireland.They speak Irish English and Gaelic. The Portuguese live in Portugal.They speak Portuguese. The Italians live in Italy.They speak Italian. The Americans live in the USA.They speak American English. The Mexicans live in the United Mexican State.They speak Spanish. The Germans live in Germany.They speak German. The French live in France.They speak French. The Russians live in Russia.They speak Russian. №15 Great Britain consists of four main parts. Russia occupies a vast territory. Russia borders on different countries. Great Britain is washed by seas and oceans. Russia is covered with many forests. Russia has four climatic zones. Great Britain has a mild climate. Great Britain is surrounded by seas and oceans. №16 нет возможности сделать,т.к. текст виден не полностью.
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