Заполните пропуски The boys...a game of footbal at the moment. a)Have b)having c)don't have d)are having Future Simple.Заполните пропуски A)Will B)won't C)shall Take some sandwiches.You... Havetime to do to a restaurant there. ...

Заполните пропуски The boys...a game of footbal at the moment. a)Have b)having c)don't have d)are having Future Simple.Заполните пропуски A)Will B)won't C)shall Take some sandwiches.You... Havetime to do to a restaurant there. Заполните пропуски правильными вспомогательными глаголами A)do B)did C)are D)Have My mother knows Mrs Dave better than I...
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
The boys___a game of footbal at the moment. d)are having B)won't Take some sandwiches.You won`t have time to go to a restaurant there. A)do My mother knows Mrs Dave better than I do.
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