Реферат: Australia Essay Research Paper AustraliaExecutive SummaryThere are
may request for representation, investment, licensing and finally joint ventures.
The last two services offered by CS are market research reporting and commercial
USA. The market research and reporting continually tracks major industrial
investments, projects, and policy developments.
Commercial news UA provides on new U.S. products available for the export market.
This distribution information goes to about 1,000 potential agents and
distributors in Australia. This service also identifies possible joint venture
participants. This distributive information goes to Australia. All of these
services are imperative to regarding possible market distribution resources.
Austrade Australian Trade Commission 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 420 New York, NY
10111 Nicholas Doumani (212)408-8473
Bureau of Tourism Research
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Australia Press Syndicate University of Cambridge 1994
CD ROM — U.S. DOC, International Trade Administration March, 1996
CD ROM — National Trade Data Bank February, 1996
Europa World Year Book 1995 London: Europa Publications Limited Volumes 1 & 2,
Pages 1236-1237 and 1246-1247.