ОТВЕТ НУЖЕН СЕЙЧАС Put a question tag on the end of these sentences. 3. You've got a camera, ---? Yes, why? Do you want to borrow

ОТВЕТ НУЖЕН СЕЙЧАС Put a question tag on the end of these sentences. 3. You've got a camera, ---? Yes, why? Do you want to borrowit? 4. You weren't listening, ---? Yes, I was! 5. Sue doesn't know Ann, ---? No, they've never met. 6. Jack's on holiday, ---? Yes, he's in Portugal. 7. Ann's applied for the job, ---? Yes, but she won't get it. 8. You can speak German, ---? Yes, but not very fluently. 9. He won't mind if I use his phone, ---? No, of course he won't. 10. There are a lot of people here, ---? Yes, more than I expected. 11. Let's go out tonight, ---? Yes, let's. 12. This isn't very interesting, ---? No, not very. 13. I'm too impatient, ---? Yes, you are sometimes. 14. You wouldn't tell anyone ---?No, of course not. 15. Listen, ---? OK, I'm listening. 16. I shouldn't have lost my temper, ---? No, but never mind. 17. Don't drop that vase, ---? No, don't worry. 18. He'd never met her before, ---?, No, that was the first time
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 haven't you/ don't you? 2 were you? 3 does she? 4 isn't he? 5 hasn't she? 6 can't you? 7 will he? 8 aren't there? 9 shall we? 10 is it ? 11 aren't I/ am I not? 12 would you? 13 will you? 14 should you? 15 will you? 16 had he?
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