ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the INFINITIVE or the -ing FORM. 1) I am really looking forward to … Spain. (visit) 2) Please, let me … with your new video game. (play) 3) I don't know where … on holiday. (go) ...

ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the INFINITIVE or the -ing FORM. 1) I am really looking forward to … Spain. (visit) 2) Please, let me … with your new video game. (play) 3) I don't know where … on holiday. (go) 4) Jim is used to … early. (get up) 5) They're thinking of … to America. (move) 6) I am so happy … you again. (see) 7) Dad's busy … the dishes. (wash)
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PiaNG WeNT , SOO как то. как
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