Курсовая работа: Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect
· “Violent protests in Jakarta over Islamic tomb” - СильныепротестывДжакартенаИсламскиемогилы
(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.26)
As the usual offer: The violent has protested in Jakarta over Islamic tomb. In headline we have not the article “the” and the auxiliary verb “has”.
· “Woman locks up utility worker over unpaid bill” - Женщина запирает сервисного рабочего по неоплаченному счету.
(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.31)
As the usual offer: A women has locked up the utility worker over of the unpaid bill.
· “Villagersbuildongloryofschooltheyburnt 57 yearsago” - Сельские жители основываются на славе школы, которую они сожгли 57 лет назад
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.33)
As the usual offer: The villagers have built on the glory of school, which they burnt 57 years ago.
· “Revenue triples after return of displaced families” - Доходутраиваетсяпослевозвращенияперемещенныхсемей
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.48)
As the usual offer: The revenue has tripled after return of the displaced families.
· “Adebayor says bye-bye to international soccer” - Адебайорговоритпокамеждународномуфутболу.
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.51)
As the usual offer: Adebayor has said bye-bye to the international soccer.
· “Champion seeks to set new record in London” - ЧэмпайонстремитсяустановитьновыйрекордвЛондоне
(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.9)
As the usual offer: The champion has sought to set a new record in London.
· “Amendnewlawsfirst, sayelders” - Исправьте новые законы сначала, говорят старшие
(Daily Nation, 02.03.10, p.10)
As the usual offer: Amend the new laws, have said the elders.
· “Large team of runners battle for qualification” - Большаякомандабегуновборютсязаквалификацию
(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.16)
As the usual offer: Large team of the runners have battled for the qualification.
· “Nuclear Weapons Obama presses for Iran action” - ЯдерноеоружиеОбамытребуетдействияИрана
(Daily Nation, 07.03.10, p.34)
As the usual offer: The Nuclear Weapons Obama has pressed for Iran action
· “Chelsea closer to Premier League crown” - ЧелсиприближаетсякГлавнойкоронеЛиги
(Daily Nation, 01.03.10, p.11)