Курсовая работа: Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect


· “QueentovisitIndia” - Королева собирается посетить Индию.

(Daily Nation, 24.03.07, p.124)

As the usual offer: the Queen is going to visit India. In headline we have not the article ”the” and the auxiliary verb to be –“is” plus irregular verb to go – “going”.

· ”Mayor to Open Shopping Mall” - Мэроткроетновыйторговыйкомплекс

(Daily Nation, 30.06.09, p.53)

As the usual offer: The mayor is going to open a new shopping mall.

· “US to assist Angolan returnees from Congo” - США соберается помочь ангольцам вернувшимся из Конго

(Daily Nation, 27.03.10, p.51)

As the usual offer: The USA is going to assist Angolan returnees from Congo.

· “Bashir's party to offer opposition posts” - СторонаБэширапредложитдолжностиоппозиции

(Daily Nation, 27.02.10, p.87)

As the usual offer: Bashir's party is going to offer opposition posts.

· “GoodluckyettoseeYar'Adua” - Гудлак все же, соберается увидеть Ярадуа.

(Daily Nation, 25.03.10, p.71)

As the usual offer: Goodluck yet is going to see Yar'Adua

· “EUtomonitorEthiopiaelections” - ЕС, наблюдет за проведением выборов Эфиопии

(Daily Nation, 02.04.10, p.15)

As the usual offer: EU is going to monitor Ethiopia elections.

· “Harare to press on with local control” - Харарепродолжаетсместнымконтролем

(Daily Nation, 14.04.10, p.116)

As the usual offer: Harare is going to press on with local control.

· “Kenya to play against Ghana in 5-nation tie” - КенияиграeтпротивГанывигрес 5 нациями

(Daily Nation, 03.04.10, p.64)

As the usual offer: Kenya is going to play against Ghana in 5-nation tie.

· “Rains to cut cost of electricity” - Дожди сокращяют расходыэлектричества.

(Daily Nation, 09.04.10, p.3)

As the usual offer: The rains are going to cut the cost of electricity.

· “Partyinthreattoopposedraft” – Угрозы партии выступить против проекта

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