Курсовая работа: Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect

Publicistic style is also characterized by brevity of expression. Galperin states that the publicistic style became discernible as a separate style in the middle of the 18th century. The basic aim of the publicistic style is to exert an influence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer or speaker is correct and to make them accept his or her views though logical argumentation and emotional appeal. The style of newspaper headlines studied as a restricted language. Headline is the title of a newspaper article printed in letters especially at the top of the front page. The general definition of headline is a short summary of the most important items of news read at the beginning of a news programme on the radio or television. Headlines very often contain emotionally colored words and phrases. The characteristic features of headlines are the most condensed piece of information on minimum of space. Headline is the most basic text – organizing tool used to invite the reader to become involved with the publication. English headlines are short and catching.

Thus, this research has given us the idea of headlines. Headline is a dependent form of news paper writing. It is in fact a part of a larger whole. The specific functional and linguistic features of the headline provide sufficient ground for isolating and analyzing it as a specific “genre” of journalism.

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