Диалог мамы с сыном из 9 предложений на английском помагите!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Диалог мамы с сыном из 9 предложений на английском помагите!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Son: I want to xBox. Mom: What? Son: I'll play. It's great. There you go. Mom: Why do you still not have it? Son: Because you do not buy! Mom: Why do I buy? Son: Because you have no money. Mom: Very, very not? Son: Yes, but you xBox they do not spend. Mom: And why? Son: Because you're spending it on other things. Mom: What? Son: Probably more dates. Mom: What can change the situation? Son: If we spend less? Mom: From what you're willing to give up for the sake xBox? Son: From movies and candy. Mom: You can count the number of the month thus saving? Son: About a thousand. Mom: How many months will be so save for xBox? Son: One and a half years. Mom: Could you wait a year and a half? To live one and a half years without a movie and candy? Son: None. Mom: There are ideas? Son: I'm going to work? Mom: Where did you take 11 years to work? Who are you going to pay? Son: Nowhere. I do not know. Mom: As long as you do not know until you figured out how to make money, what else can you offer to achieve the goal? Son: You have to earn more. Mom: Fine. Can you suggest how I earn more? Son: More work. Mom: Where can I get this time? Son: Something else to do. Mom: Like what? Do not sleep, do not eat, I can not relax. Where else out of my time? Son: Do you still go to the store, cook, wash the dishes. Mom: What else? Son: Even the vacuum cleaner. Mom: What's this I can not do? Who will do it instead of me? Son: I can vacuuming, washing dishes. Mom: Great! I was just about to buy a dishwasher. It costs the same as the xBox. But if you're going to wash the dishes, then I do not need a dishwasher. You're ready to wash dishes every day, if we buy xBox? Son: Of course! Mom: You're ready to wash dishes for six months, until it again accumulate in the dishwasher? Son: I'm Ready. Mom: And if you do not implement the agreement? If I buy xBox, and you refuse to wash the dishes? How do I do then? Son: Well, to be honest, if you zaberesh my xBox. Mom: If you played enough for two days, xBox you get tired and you stop to wash the dishes? I then there will be no money for the dishwasher or clean utensils. What will I feel? How would you feel in my place? Son: What I was deceived. Mom: You're going to continue to continue to trust the person who has deceived you? Son: None. Mom: You'll be more to him about something to negotiate, something for him to do? Son: None. Mom: You will still have the desire, after xBox get? Son: Of course. Mom: So, do you realize that if you received xBox, violated the terms of our agreement, then further your desires, I will not try to accomplish? You know what is in your interests to fulfill the conditions of the contract? Son: Of course. Mom: What can stop you meet the conditions? Son: I can get tired. Mom: How to propose to solve the problem? Son: Give me a day off on Sunday utensils Mom: Good. Agreed?
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