Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation
In order to understand the definition “gerund” we should know all its meanings and word-combinations.
The gerund developed from the verbal noun, which in course of time became verbalized, preserving at the same time its nominal character.
The gerund is formed by adding the inflection -ing to the stem of the verb and coincides in form with Participle I (15 – 170).
1.1 The double nature of the gerund
As a natural result of its origin and development the gerund has nominal and verbal properties. The nominal characteristics of the gerund are as follows:
1. The gerund can perform the function of the subject, an object and a predicative.
Theysaysmokingleadstomeditation. – К медитации они посоветовали использовать дымящий свинец.*
I like making people happy. – Ялюблюосчастливливатьлюдей.
He went away without saying a word. – Онушелнесказавнислова (1 – 222).
2. The gerund can be preceded by a proposition.
I’m very, very tired of rowing – Яочень, оченьусталагрести.
He’s fond of skating. – Онувлекаетсяконьками.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. – Тынеможешьсделатьомлетбезяиц.
I’m tired f hearing about that. – Яусталаэтослушать (5 – 137).
3. Like a noun the gerund can be modified by a noun in the Possessive Case or by a possessive pronoun.
“I wonder at Jolyon’s allowing this cugagement”, he said to aunt Ann. – «Меняудивляет, чтоДжолиoндопустилэтупомолвку», сказалонтетушкеЭнн.
Isthereanyobjectiontomyseeingher? – Кто-нибудь возражает против того, чтобы я повидался с ней? (7 – 259).
The verbal characteristics of the gerund are the same as those of the participle:
1) The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object.
I had now made a good progress in understanding and speaking their language. – Сейчасясделалхорошеепродвижениевпониманиииговоренииихязыка.
2) The gerund can be modified by an adverb.
She burst out crying bitterly. – Онагорькорасплакалась.
3) The gerund has tense distinctions; the gerund of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions. The forms of the gerund in modern English are as follows (2 – 624).
Active | Passive | |
Indefinite | writing | being written |
Perfect | having written | having been written |
There is no gerund in the Russian language and the English gerund is rendered in Russian in different ways:
a) by a noun.
Dancing had not begun yet. – Танцыещененачались (10 – 232).
b) by an infinitive.
He had tea with Cipriano before leaving. – Передтем, какуйти, онавыпилачайс Kиприано.
It is no good hiding our heads under our wings. – Бесполезнопрятатьголовуподкрыло. * (Here and there the translation is mine)
c) by деепричастие.