Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation

- With verbs denoting the beginning, the duration or the end of an action, the gerund forms part of a compound verbal aspect predicate.

She began sobbing and weeping. – Онаначаларыдатьиныть.

The manager has finished dictating a letter to the secretary. – Менеджерзакончилдиктоватьписьмосекретарю.

I avoid speaking to him on this matter. – Яизбегаюразговариватьснимвтакойманере.

In the night it started raining. – Ночьюначалсядождь (7 – 257).

4) The gerund as an object.

The gerund may be used as a direct object and as a prepositional indirect object.

Isimplyloveriding. – Я просто обожаю кататься верхом.

Sheenjoyedsingingandplayingtohim. – Ей доставляло удовольствие петь и играть для него.

Thetimesweregoodforbuilding… - Время для постройки дома было самое подходящее.

Charlie did not succeed in talking things easily. – Чарлинеудавалосьсмотретьлегконавещи.

Predicative constructions with the gerund form a complex object as they consist of two distinct elements, nominal and verbal.

Perhapsyouwould’tmindRichard’scomingin? – Может быть, вы не будете возражать против того, чтобы вошел Ричард?

AuntAugustawon’tquiteapproveofyourbeinghere. – Тетя Августа будет не очень довольна тем, что вы здесь (15, 181 – 182).

5) The gerund as an attribute.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition.

There are different ways of solving this problem. – Существуютразныеспособырешенияэтойпроблемы.

We discussed different methods of teaching foreign languages. – Мыобсуждалиразныеметодыизученияиностранныхязыков.

He has no objection to being sent there. – Унегонетвозможностей, чтоеготудапослали (7, 254).

6) The gerund as an adverbial modifier.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition. It is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time, manner, attendant circumstances, cause, condition, purpose and concession; the most common functions are those of adverbial modifiers of time, manner and attendant circumstances.

- As an adverbial modifier of time the gerund is preceded by the prepositions after, before, on, upon, in, or at.

After leaving her umbrella in the hall, she entered the living room. – Оставивзонтиквпередней, онавошлавгостиную.

He was to have three days at home before going back to farm. – Ондолженбылпробытьтриднядома, преждечемвозвратитьсянаферму.

Clare turned at hearing her footsteps… - Услышавеешаги, Клероглянулся.

NOTE. – In the function of an adverbial modifier of time gerund sometimes competes with the participle.

George, on hearing the story, grinned. – Джордж, услышавэтуисторию, усмехнулся.

The four girls, hearing him speak in the hall, rushed out of the library. – Всечетыредевочки, услышав, чтоонговоритвпередней, выбежалиизбиблиотеки.

After reaching the second landing… I heard a sound of quiet, and regular breathing on my left-hand side. – Дойдядовторойплощадилестницы, … яуслышалслевойстороныспокойноеировноедыхание.

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