Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation
- As an adverbial modifier of manner the gerund is used with the preposition by or in.
She startled her father by bursting into tears. – Онанапугаласвоегоотцатем, чторасплакалась.
The day was spent in packing. – Деньпрошелзаупаковкойвещей.
- As an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances the gerund is preceded by the preposition without.
She was not brilliant, not active, but rather peaceful and statuesque without knowing it. – Этобылаженщинанеблестящая, неэнергичная, нооченьспокойнаяивеличественная, саматогонезная.
- As an adverbial modifier of purpose, the gerund is chiefly used with the preposition for.
… one side of the gallery was used for dancing. - … однасторонагалереииспользоваласьдлятанцев.
- As an adverbial modifier of condition the gerund is preceded by the preposition without.
He has no right to come bothering you and papa without being invited. – Оннеимеетправаприходитьибеспокоитьвасиотца, еслиегонеприглашают.
- As an adverbial modifier of clause the gerund is used with the preposition for, for fear of, owing to.
I feel the better myself for having spent a good deal of time abroad. – Ячувствуюсебялучшеоттого, чтодолгопрожилзаграницей.
Idarednotattendthefuneralforfearofmakingafoolofmyself. – Я не смел, присутствовать на похоронах, так как боялся поставить себя в глупое положение.
- As an adverbial modifier of concession the gerund is preceded by the preposition in spite of.
In spite of being busy, he did all he could to help her. – Несмотряназанятость, онсделалвсе, чтобыпомочьей.
The above examples show that the gerund preceded by one and the some preposition may be used in different functions: with the preposition without, it may be perform the function of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances and of condition; with the preposition in, it may be perform the function of an adverbial modifier of time and of manner; with the preposition for, it may perform the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose or of cause.
NOTE. – The Russian не + деепричастие may correspond to the English without + Gerund or not + Participle. It usually corresponds to not + Participle if it’s used in the function of an adverbial modifier of cause.
НезнаяадресамиссБетти, Давиднемогейнаписать. – Not knowing Miss Betsey’s address, David could not write to her (CAUSE).
If нет + деепричастие is used in the function of adverbial modifiers of attendant circumstances and of condition, it generally corresponds to without + Gerund.
ДавидуехализЛондона, никомуничегонесказав. – David left London without telling anybody about it (ATTENDANT CIRCUMSTANCES) (15, 183 – 184).
Section III. The gerund and other verbals
3.1 The gerund and the infinitive
With a number of verbs and word-groups both the gerund and the infinitive may be used. The most important of them are: to be afraid, to begin, to cease, to continue, can (cannot) afford, to dread, to fear, to forget, to hate, to intend, to like (to dislike), to neglect, to prefer, to propose, to remember, to recollect, to start, to stop.
The young man began turning aver the pages of a book. – Молодойчеловекначалпереворачиватьстраницыкниги.
At length she began to speak softly. – Наконецонаначалаговоритьмягко.
She continued standing near the piano. – Онапродолжаластоятьупианино.
She continued to look at him… – Онапродолжаласмотретьнанего…
It is sometimes possible to find a reason for the use of a given form. With some verbs and word-groups, such as to be afraid, to forget, to hate, to like, to prefer the infinitive is mostly used with reference to a special occasion, the gerund being more appropriate to a general statement.
The child was afraid of remaining alone, but he was afraid of to remain along or such a stormy night. – Ребенокнебоялсяостатьсяодинвтакуюбурнуюночь.
Don’t forget shutting the windows when you leave home. – Незабывайзакрыватьокна, уходяиздому.
Idon’tlikeinterruptingpeople. – Я не люблю отрывать людей от дела.
Idon’tliketointerrupthim, heseemsverybusy. – Мне не хочется мешать ему, он, кажется, очень занят.